Friday, April 2, 2010

My Apartment Flooded!

As you may know, the east coast had recently been slammed with buckets and buckets of rain. The east coast happens to be where I reside; in the itty bitty state of Rhode Island to be exact. Unfortunately my teeny weeny basement floor apartment fell victim to those aforementioned buckets of rain. My kitchen and living room have flooded. Thankfully my bedroom and bathroom sit higher and therefore remained untouched. I must say we are some of the lucky ones though. We are still wet-vacing the water from the carpet but it is no longer as bad as it was. There is no more standing water in my apartment. The rugs are squishy still though and stink of wet carpet smell. Brian needed to sleep as he has to work 3rd shift tonight so we stopped the wet vacing for the evening. We did place a dehumidifer in the middle of the wet rooms, hopefully this will help to draw out some of the moisture. In good time things will fall back into place. It could of been worse. There are many people whose ENTIRE homes are flooded and declared unliveable. I am one of the lucky ones. Please bear with me as I try to return my living space to normalcy.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that yours wasn't as bad as it could have been! Look at the positives, at least now you get new carpet! & You are ver fortunate! I hope all goes well!!
